This sweet family is one of my regulars for fall photos! They have wanted to do portraits at Paul Hopkins Park for several years but kept running into scheduling conflicts because the park decorates for their annual Dickinson Festival of Lights. When we arrived, a portion of the park was already beginning to decorate but there were still some great spots to capture the family!

Living between Houston and Galveston, I’m always happy to find locations in the area that make for beautiful photos. Paul Hopkins Park in Dickinson, Texas is definitely a gem! We started off on the bridge where the sunlight was glowing behind them!

After crossing the bridge I found this small area where the light was glowing heavenly! I made sure to capture a variety of individual and group images here.

On our way to the boardwalk, we stopped to get a few photos by the water!

The boardwalk was another great spot to capture individual and group photos. The wooden beams and golden hour glow on the trees was perfect for fall family photos!

Ashley Rivers is a family photographer based in Houston, TX. Learn more about Portraits with Rivers Light Photography.
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